Autism-service provider-Behaviour Associates-ABA-IBI

Our Mission and Philosophy

Beyond the Door Behaviour Associates Inc. (BTD) is committed to helping children living with neuro-developmental disorders (including Autism Spectrum Disorder) develop the necessary Communication, Intellectual, Physical, Behavioural and Social skills for successful integration at home, at school and in the community.

We believe that every learner has the potential to develop beyond their current level and deserves the opportunity to maximize their abilities and reach their full potential. We are dedicated to personal ‘hands-on’ service.


We get positive results

Your unique child deserves to reach their full potential!


What we do


We are OAP (Ontario Autism Program) approved. Through highly personalized intensive interventions, utilizing science-based principles of Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA), with emphasis on Verbal Behaviour, our team of dedicated professionals is committed to meeting the unique needs of each child through Home-based Programming Services in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and South Western Ontario Region.

Our holistic approach and personalized programs cover multiple learning domains. Using a combination of Discrete Trial Training, Natural Environment Teaching and Direct Instruction, children learn a variety of skills including Communication, Academic and Life and Leisure skills.

Through relationship building and language based play activities, children learn vital Social skills required to communicate and cooperate with others.


We Care

Your special child deserves respect and understanding!

The ABLLS-R and VB-MAPP skill assessments, are utilized as a guide in developing our programs which are monitored and supervised by a Supervising/Senior Therapist and Clinical Director BCBA. We provide services for private clients as well as those receiving the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) funding. We meet with and involve families at all stages of program development and progress evaluation and collaborate with auxiliary service providers (such as Speech Pathologists and Occupational Therapists) or schools as requested and necessary.

While the majority of the service we provide is directly with the child, the parents/families are vital players in the child’s intervention. Our team of Professionals works closely with families every step of the way and provides parent/caregiver Training for successful participation in their child’s Therapy.


We make a difference

Your exceptional child deserves to be confident and happy!

Behaviour Management/Modification Service is for any child with behavioural challenges and is not limited to children with neuro-developmental disorders. By analyzing the function of the behaviour, we are able to implement strategies to modify/eradicate undesirable behaviour and increase desired behaviour. This service includes parent/caregiver Training and or 1:1 coaching.